Supplementary Data for:

"Large-scale Analysis of Branchpoint Usage Across Species and Cell Lines"

Supplementary tables:

Supplemental Table 1: Table of all branchpoints found in human introns (hg19 annotation)

Supplemental Table 2: Table of branchpoints found in human introns (hg19) using only ENCODE RNASeq samples.

Supplemental Table 3: Table of branchpoints found in mouse introns (mm9)

Supplemental Table 4: Table of branchpoints found in S. pombe introns (EF2).

Supplemental Table 5: Table of branchpoints found in human introns (hg19), all sources included. Binary quality metrics can be selected to pull a specific subset of branchpoints.

Supplemental Table 6: Table of branchpoints found in human introns (hg19), ENCODE sources only. Binary quality metrics can be selected to pull a specific subset of branchpoints.

Supplemental Table 7: Table of branchpoints found in mouse introns (mm9). Binary quality metrics can be selected to pull a specific subset of branchpoints.

Supplemental Table 8: Table of branchpoints found in S. pombe introns (EF2). Binary quality metrics can be selected to pull a specific subset of branchpoints.

Supplemental Table 9: Table of full branchpoint sequences inserted into minigene reporter constructs for Figure 2E.

Supplemental Table 10: Branchpoint counts and motif counts stratified by RNAseq sample.

Supplemental Table 11: Table of primers used for branchpoint validations.

Raw bed file of all recovered lariat reads

Lariat read finding scripts:
includes indexes for human (hg19), mouse (mm9) and s. pombe (EF2). See README.txt for usage

Lariat read finding scripts